The standard ACA (Athletic Consultants Asia) logo is made of red and grey elements.
We accept any color variants of this logo (including gradients) as long as they are high in contrast. The text under the logo should remain as it is part of our (applied) trademark. However we accept exceptions as well, especially if the logo is integrated as part of an artwork. In such cases the name Athletic Consultants Asia should be mentioned otherwise in the respective documents or marketing material where it is used.


Main logo colors:
Red arch: RGB (190,30,45) CYMK (0, 84, 76, 25). Color name: Cardinal
Gray arch and text: RGB (127,127,127) CYMK (0,0,0,50). Color name: 50% Gray

Secondary (preferred) colors in related artwork, presentations and documents or alternate logos:

RGB (0,40,104) Color name: Midnight Blue
RGB (60,59,110) Color name: American Flag Blue
RGB (255,192,0) Color name: Mango Yellow

Example variations:

Standard Logo
Outlined Logo (stroke 2pt)
Pride Logo
Mango Orange Logo
American Blue Logo
Midnight Blue Logo
Mango Orange Red Arch Logo
American Blue Red Arch Logo
Midnight Blue Red Arch Logo
Gray with Midnight Blue background
Gray with Red background
Gray with Black background


OpenSans is the preferred English font but also Tahoma if OpenSans isn’t available.
For CJK fonts we rely on the open source fonts of Adobe/Google (Source Han/Noto):
See here for Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese and Japanese variants at Adobe or
click here for the same font at Google (Noto version)
The font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License (Version 1.1) You can also download our Asian fonts (OTF) here: Simplified Chinese (简体中文) , Traditional Chinese — Taiwan (繁體中文—臺灣) , Japanese (日本語)
All of the above fonts are websafe.