【U.S. Athletic Overseas Study Seminar】
Establish the right concepts of studying abroad as a student-athlete!
Being recruited to a U.S. university on scholarship to play golf has become a “phenomenon” in Taiwan in recent years. However, most of the parents and their children are receiving misleading concepts or ideas from the rumors that often circulate in their communities. Parents are often listening to vague suggestions instead of clear and first-hand information. In order to provide young golfers and parents with the right information, National Golf Academy and Miaoli County Future Star Golf Association invited Athletic Consultants Asia (ACA), an Asian sports consulting company specializing in athletic overseas study, on March 11th, 2023 to hold a seminar at the National Golf Country Club in Miaoli. The “U.S. Athletic Overseas Study Seminar” was free of charge and open to all young players and their parents.
The seminar attracted more than 30 parents and kids, and the atmosphere was very interactive. Some of the attending golfers were still in elementary school, but their parent wanted to plan early for their future. This is especially true after the Olympic bronze medalist, C.T. Pan, had such a successful experience from his early study abroad time. More and more parents it seems intend to follow this path, letting their children apply to college and play NCAA golf first, then move forward to PGA tour if possible.
During the seminar, ACA CEO Jim Mehren and his team fully explained and analyzed the current situation of American college sports, how young athletes can win favor with college coaches and further apply for scholarships. Also, Jim encouraged young kids not to give up on the schoolwork while playing sports. He stressed that only by enhancing both “academic” and “athletic” performances can students increase their chances to play on a competitive American college team.

ACA CEO Jim Mehren fully explained and analyzed the current situation of American college sports
The president of Miaoli County Future Star Golf Association and the general manager of the National Golf Country Club, Roy Wu broke the ice with a humorous joke: “I heard that the kitten in my neighborhood can raise a puppy.” But this joke pointed out that parents and young athletes are often misled by false rumors or clueless information. Roy said: “the original intention of holding this seminar is to provide parents and young athletes with the right information so that they might have a better fundamental understanding of studying abroad in the United States.”

The president of Miaoli County Future Star Golf Association and the general manager of the National Golf Country Club, Roy Wu Who pointed out that parents and young athletes are often misled by false rumors or clueless information.
Sean Lin, father of Oregon State University recruit Stanley Lin, shared his successful experience in the recruiting process, and Mr. Cheng, a parent who participated in the seminar, felt that he had a lot of takeaways because he seldom received first-hand information. He learned how American college coaches evaluate an international student in terms of academics and golf skills. Mr. Cheng stated: “This seminar gives me valuable feedback that studying abroad isn’t an easy path. It is very important to understand the right information, and parents and children should think carefully.”

The father of teenage star Stanley Lin (Stanley will enter Oregon State University this fall), publicly shared his experience of being successfully admitted to the school through the ACA.
Another parent, Chun-Fan Cheng considered there are several advantages to collaborate with ACA. First, the CEO of ACA, Jim Mehren, is a foreigner, but he speaks Mandarin fluently and communicates well. Secondly, ACA has a lot of contacts and accesses to reach out to college coaches, which makes it easier to find a great match for young players. Furthermore, with ACA’s assistance, many parents and teenagers are able to avoid pitfall and unexpected troubles, and they don’t have to spend a lot of time researching schools. Although the consulting service isn’t inexpensive, if a child can be successfully recruited to a university team and receive a scholarship, then the value of the consulting fee will definitely exceed its cost.
However, receiving a scholarship offer to attend an American university is just the start. The real challenges occur during the time of studying abroad. American student-athletes must strike a great balance between academics and sports. If your academic performance doesn’t meet the requirement standards, a player may not be able to compete. Just as Roy Wu shared: “If you want to study abroad in a U.S. college, the first step is to seriously evaluate yourself. Is this path suitable for everyone? Not necessarily. Therefore, I hope that the National Golf Academy can provide the right information to young students so that they can objectively make the best choice according to their own conditions and goals. After all, golf is a costly endeavor. I hope that everyone can put the right time and the right resources on the right path they have chosen as the most suitable one.”
More News: Yahoo! Sports