How to be recruited
Let’s get into the main focus of this post and a very crucial step in starting your journey of enrolling in a US college as an international student-athlete: how to get recruited.
1. Build an online profile
Without a doubt the easiest and most modern way to get the attention of professional coaches is with the help of social media. Social media is the greatest tool for coaches as it allows them to get a glimpse of an individual’s character. Post videos of your tournaments online and build a following of you own. Try and engage with coaches through comments and the potential of them noticing you will definitely increase.
2. Know that your character is highly valued
While having great athletic abilities is definitely a must when trying to get recruited, remember that most coaches are looking for someone with more than just strong athleticism.

A survey by NCSA Sports shows that college coaches put character first, while athletic ability and academics tied for second. Coaches defined character as a combination of moral and social values like hard work, respect, and honesty.
3. Work hard on your academics
As stated above, most coaches value a student’s academic performance just as much as their athleticism skills.
Excelling at school means you’d have a wider range of opportunities to choose from. In addition, you might also gain an academic scholarship on top of an athletic one, which will definitely help economically!
4. Learn how to market yourself
Getting recruited is very similar to applying for a job, in which one needs to know how to showcase their strengths and abilities to attract the attention of all these coaches. With so many fishes in the sea, standing out between your competitors is a major key point. Take notes on your past and current achievements, think about future goals you’d like to take on, package everything beautifully, and learn how to market yourself.
This might all be very overwhelming if you’re just getting started, but know that it’s okay to feel flustered because the process of recruitment can be a tough road ahead. This is exactly why sports consultant agencies exist!
ACA is an Asian-based sports consultancy that guides student-athletes and their families through the complexities of the US college recruiting process. We assist families and their athletes through every step, from putting together a profile and video all the way through the college application and visa requirements.